Geolife Fruiting Booster Growth Kit


Geolife Fruiting Booster Growth Kit

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Original price was: ₹810.00.Current price is: ₹799.00.

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Packing: (60 gms)Kit

Availability:Out of stock

Geolife Fruiting Kit (Vigore Fruit Size Enhancer 10 grm + Natural Cab 50 grm) , Combination Of Concentrated Calcium And Boron At A High Percentage

NATURAL CAB : It is a new combination of concentrated Calcium and Boron at a high percentage. It helps in the development of new shoots and owers & plays a key role in cell wall formation. It is compatible with most insecticides, pesticides & nutrients.

Dosage: 50gm for 150-200 liters water/acre.

VIGORE FSE : Vigore Fruit Size Enhancer is an advance product that helps to increase fruit size, develops uniform color & taste.It enhances vegetative growth, fruit size, fertility & post harvest storage.Vigore FSE improves the translocation system inside the plant during the fruit development stage.Fruits attain good colour, taste and good shining in turn giving more profits to farmer.
Dosage: Spray 10gm for 150-200 liters of water/acre.

Original price was: ₹205.00.Current price is: ₹199.00.
Original price was: ₹185.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
Original price was: ₹242.00.Current price is: ₹235.00.

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