Benefits Of Kitchen Garden
Our Services
1. Customize size consultancy are available
2. Potting Material use minimum 2 year bag life , maximum 5 year
3. Seeds for one year Rotation crops
4. Free delivery on your doorstep
Connect to a healthy life and nature
Gardening is always a great exercise, the number of efforts you will put into maintaining your garden will help you stay fit and active. Taking care of your plants, watering them, and other activities will keep you physically active and away from your everyday boring exercising routine.
Go To Green Resolution
Get a green and healthy life.
You can customize it also according your space.

What is Kitchen Garden?
Also called a rooftop garden, it is a garden in which vegetables, fruits or flowers are grown on terraces or roofs of buildings. The kitchen garden ,we said before , in every Indian household, has now shifted to the terrace due to constraints of space, and is called a terrace garden. Increasing pressure on land and escalating costs have also added to its growing popularity.
Some of the benefits to health, aesthetics and environment include:
- Reduce indoor temperature by 6- 8 degree and can reduce air conditioning cost
- Reduce overall heat absorption of buildings and insulate the building against heat and cold
- Convenience of safe, pesticide-free, healthy green and fresh vegetables
- Conducive to a routine of physical exercise, clean air and being close to nature
- Increases amount of oxygen in the air
- Reduce sound pollution
- Act as a habitat for city-weary birds
What to grow in a kitchen garden
Finished Work
Friendly Service
Maintaining the garden
What we can easily get in our garden

Kitchen Garden Packages

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Delivery Time – 7 – 10 days
Live support per month for one year